How to Disable Auto Updates on Android Smartphone

Written By Nohara Binti Parahita Niya on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 | 9:44 AM

How to Disable Auto Updates on Android Smartphone - Often, the auto update ? Many or few applications that you use on Android smartphones , but you may want to choose which application you want to update rather than let auto update do its work . Of course, disable auto update on Android smartphones can be done easily , but for a beginner it may still not know how take it.

How to Disable Auto Updates on Android Smartphone

How to disable auto update on Android smartphones can be done via Google Play Store application . The following are the steps you need to do if you want to disable the auto update on Android smartphones :
  1. Open Play Store application .
  2. Open the menu on the top left corner . You can also access the Play Store menu by sliding from the left side of the screen to the right .
  3. Open the Settings tab , then select Auto - update apps .
  4. After you press the Auto - update apps , and will display a pop - up windows .
  5. Select " Do not auto - update apps " .

Easy , is not it? If you want to update the application , then you can go back to the previous settings . These tips KitKat tested on Android 4.4.4 , but the Android version ever before also has a similar way to disable auto - update apps .