Android vs Blackberry? Which is Better? - What are the advantages and disadvantages Android and Blackberry? If you are confused, whether to choose Android or Blackberry? Here are quick tips and easy, though you are not too confused in determining the choice extremely difficult, Android or Blackberry?
Pros and Cons Blackberry
One of the advantages of the Blackberry is the battery life that can be relied upon. If you love online such as access FB, YM, WhatsApp or BBM and browsing the Blackberry battery life can be counted on to support your activities are.
Pros and Cons Blackberry
One of the advantages of the Blackberry is the battery life that can be relied upon. If you love online such as access FB, YM, WhatsApp or BBM and browsing the Blackberry battery life can be counted on to support your activities are.

Blackberry is more diverse options. Currently available in a wide selection of Blackberry are quite diverse and can be tailored to the desires or needs. If you love Blackberry with a QWERTY keyboard and screen you can get on the Blackberry Bold 9900 Dakota, Want slider Blackberry with Blackberry Torch 9810 can try even if you want a Blackberry with a touch screen, big screen without a keyboard you can get it at the Blackberry Torch 9860.
BBM or Blackberry Messenger, it can be said that the Blackberry BBM is an attraction in itself, and sometimes because of the fuel many of us are buying Blackberry. Fuel is only available specifically for Blackberry is not available for other phones.
Factor of more stable prices, can not be denied Blackberry fairly stable market, aka drop the price is not too sharp. Although now aggressively issued Blackberry RIM Newest model, but still older models like the Blackberry Gemini or Javelin, still has a high enough price, even the price of secondnya also be fairly good.
Blackberry is the most important drawback is the new Blackberry can function fully as we subscribe to the Blackberry package. So, in our Blackberry can not use regular internet package, but must specifically Blackberry package.
Excess Weaknesses and Android.
Android games and applications are widely available in the Google Play Store is an attraction itself from Android. You can get a wide range of games and applications for free via Google Play Store. No doubt, play games in the Android feel more comfortable and convenient. So if you love to play games then Android could be the best option.
A more diverse selection of mobile phones from various vendors. You can get Android phones from Sony Ericsson, Motorola, HTC, Samsung and even other brands like Asus, LG or Acer. So that more flavors to choose from and enjoy.
Android is free Internet package without the need to subscribe. In Android we use any Internet package, and even without subscribing to any internet package, we can still use your Android phone as a whole and full alias full access.
Root Android - is what can make a reason why should choose Android, because we can easily do the rooting, so we have the right to full access to the Android phones ours. We can install costum room and completely change the appearance of our Android phones.
Battery Life, this is one of the weaknesses of the Android phones battery life quite quickly exhausted. Especially if you use your Android phone to play games and online, the Android battery life certainly quickly exhausted.
If you have any additional on Android vs Blackberry, please add in the comments, so that could be a reference for my friends who are still confused to choose between Android vs Blackberry