3 Unique Keyboard for Android Devices

Written By Nohara Binti Parahita Niya on Monday, May 5, 2014 | 12:00 AM

3 Unique Keyboard for Android Devices - No one can deny that some keyboard apps like Swype , SwiftKey , and Google Keyboard , is one tool that is very easy for Android users to type messages or posts . But in fact , it was not only given the ease by just three applications .

3 Unique Keyboard for Android Devices new

There are some applications of digital keyboards are quite interesting , and challenging Android users in typing . Curious to try a few apps keyboard for use in Android devices ? Consider the following list :

Applications which was released in 2013 it has a very minimum , because it is only present in one line display of the device . This application is suitable for use by a smartphone that has a small screen . The letters also have been sealed in a row , but still within the standard QWERTY .

To use it , simply use Noharasolutioners movements or certain gestures . You can make a sweeping motion ( swipe ) to remove , add a space , and initiate voice dictation . Minuum has a number of interesting features , but Noharasolutioners must redeem the cash value of U.S. $ 3.99 or approximately USD 48 259 .

Flesky managed to make a breakthrough in the world of Android , since its launch this year . Because this application did not display the usual row of letters such as a keyboard . Other designations , Flesky is invisible keyboard application .

The application itself relies heavily on technology predictions . Naturally , because we ourselves had to type in a word or phrase with a bit of guessing. But when you start to find it difficult to type with a keyboard is not visible , then you can bring up the QWERTY row by downloading a swipe from the bottom to the top of the screen with two fingers .

This keyboard will be a bit confusing for Noharasolutioners who are not accustomed to typing in English . Because , MessagEase not standard on the QWERTY , but ANIHORTES . According to the developers , a row of letters ANIHORTES is most often used in writing a word or phrase .
To use it , Noharasolutioners must begin by tapping one finger shifting capital letters and small letters to you , such as using the telephone dial pad . Pretty easy , but it took habituation themselves are also quite long .

Unfortunately , standard ANIHORTES consumer still can not be maximized when typing in Indonesian , as far as the team JerukNipis try . But when Noharasolutioners often use English , then this keyboard can increase typing speed .
Dare to try this unique keyboard , Noharasolutioners