How to Turn off the Power Button Damaged iPhone and iPad - OS
devices like the iPhone and iPad renowned as an elegant device with a
keypad that is very minimalist and designed beautifully . Home
button in the bottom center and the power button on the top right side
was made with the full calculation and design are one with the body . But like any other electronic equipment that could be damaged and make
you fuss , the two buttons is sometimes a big problem when you can not
use it .

If you feel bothered with the Power Button is broken , the following are tips to turn off the device before you could bring the iPhone to the experts to be replaced :
Do not be put off by reason of the high price of parts and hope getting cheaper day by day . Because when it appeared a new iOS device , usually the technician or shop mobile phones have started to keep a stock of spare parts not anymore

If you feel bothered with the Power Button is broken , the following are tips to turn off the device before you could bring the iPhone to the experts to be replaced :
- Enable Assitive Touch of application Settings - General - Accessibility - AssitiveTouch - ON . After that you can see the virtual buttons on the screen is white you iOS device . This button can you slide into a position that does not interfere .
- Press the button and select the virtual device that is on the right side
- You will see 6 icons that Lock Screen , Rotate scree , Unmute , More , Volume Down and Volume Up .
- To turn off the iOS device press and hold the padlock icon Lock Screen reads about 10 seconds . After that AssitiveTouch will disappear and appear with a red stripe Slide To Power Off , swipe to the right to turn off your device .
Do not be put off by reason of the high price of parts and hope getting cheaper day by day . Because when it appeared a new iOS device , usually the technician or shop mobile phones have started to keep a stock of spare parts not anymore