Voltage is a new jailbreak tweak that was released and could be the answer to your curiosity over the volume percentage of the iPhone . The jailbreak tweak has a settings panel that allows you to use a variety of variables to format the UHD models .
Once installed on jailbroken iPhones Voltage , please check the Settings app and look at the preferences . Along the kill- switch , you'll find a section for format changes based on a variable set . By placing two percent symbols in the column format , you can display the numeric value that represents the current volume . If you add three percent symbol then you will get a percentage using basic values . If you want to use the default format UHD volume , blank columns Field .
Moreover Voltage also allows you to type in a special text that can be raised with the volume number . The text displayed diverse and as you see fit . Voltage can be installed on jailbroken iPhone , iPod Touch and iPad which has been running iOS 7 . Interested? Please download Voltage Direct Bigboss repo in Cydia .